Renate Aller, Plate 35 | #11, Mountain Interval
image: Renate Aller, Plate 35 | #11, from the series Mountain Interval

Urs Tillmanns, 15. September 2019, 10:38 Uhr

Fotofestival Alt. +1000 im Neuenburger Jura

Excerpt from article:
(translated from German)

…This year’s photo festival «Alt. +1000 »is dedicated to the traces of humans in the mountains and shows impressive works by around 80 Swiss and international photographic artists, who have been dealing with this topic for years. They do not just want to present a current record with their pictures, but the photos should show us the man-made changes in the mountains, which on the one hand, provide us with relaxation andentertainment, and on the other hand however, also represent a danger if we do not observe the warning signs of nature.  The photo festival and the diverse work of these photographers impressively point to these changes in the mountains…

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