Rough translation from Italian

Climate Change: 10 exhibitions on climate change not to be missed
Climate change, one of the most current issues, is at the center of a series of exhibitions all over the world.
by Sonia S. Braga
September 18, 2022
Climate change: from the climatic problems related to glaciers, which are less and less perennial, to the disruption of the existence of indigenous populations, the consequences of climate change are among the most recurring themes in contemporary exhibition agendas. Here is a short guide to read up on the most interesting events. From Italian proposals to exhibitions in distant New Zealand.

Rocky Mountains and Great Sand Dunes, Colorado, USA, 2011. Dal libro The Space Between Memory and Expectation di Renate Aller. Courtesy The Nelson Provincial Museum.
The Nelson Provincial Museum, Nelson (New Zealand) – until October 2, 022
MELTDOWN: Visualizing Climate Change is a narrative on the importance of the world’s glaciers, on the impact of climate change and their fate, through the prism of art, photography and film. With works created by 10 international artists, this exhibition takes the viewer on a scientific, illustrative and poetic journey of climate change and its consequences. Meltdown is an exhibition created by Project Pressure a non-profit association for change. Project Pressure uses art as a positive contact point to inspire action and change in behavior towards nature and the planet.
Link to original article:
Link to webpage MELTDOWN: